Enabling Basic Infrastructure

Stable Power

A stable power supply shall be provided to the entire Mega food park, where a grid shall be for both LT as well as HT consumers. Total power requirement for the Mega Food Park is estimated to be 4 MW. The company proposes to develop its own 3 Mega Watt Gas based Power Plant facility at the CPC.

Water Supply

To provide adequate supply of water to the CPC, proper infrastructure has to be provided. Since a Food processing unit requires more water than other units, provision for water tank (Underground and overhead) and other required facilities shall be provided within the CPC premise. Unit holders in the Park would be supplied potable & treated water. Ground Water drawn out would be treated and then pumped into the under ground water reservoir. Water would be distributed from overhead water tank through pipelines running along with the road. Water meter would be installed for each of the consumers and unit holders would be charged based on consumption. However TIDCL has also agreed for providing the suitable water for the food park.

Network of Internal Roads

Wide interconnected road network of shall be developed within the CPC premise, so as to provide seamless movement of vehicles within the CPC premises thus facilitating smooth goods movement.

Waste Disposal Requirement (Solid & Effluent)

Large amount of Solid waste as well as effluents discharges from a food processing unit. Thus to maintain a clean & pollution free environment as well as to maintain the hygiene factor within the CPC, proper provision for drainage corridor from the CPC shall be made for disposal of solid waste and effluents from the processing units in the CPC. The discharge of the Park has to be through the ETP & STP for the purpose of cleaner environment Details of the same are given below.

Fire Fighting System

A fire hydrant system with well placed water-off take points would run around the processing center premises, which would be operable manually by a pump. Also for the buildings of common facilities and amenities, fire fighting system would also be installed.